Journal article – 1992
Foreign Domestic Workers: Surrogate Housewife or Mail Order Servant? -
Book section – 1992
The talents of women, the skills of men: flexible specilization and women -
Thesis – 1992
Unfree wage labour, women and the state: Employment visas and foreign domestic workers in Canada -
Journal article – 1992
The Caribbean Migrant Farm Worker Programme in Ontario: Seasonal Expansion of West Indian Economic Spaces -
Book section – 1992
Lessons from the Experience of the International Labour Organisation -
Newspaper article – 1991-10-22
La consuls du Mexique jette les accusations de manifestants -
Report/Press release – 1991
Immigrant domestic servants in Canada -
Thesis – 1991
Aliens in Saudi Arabia: Enforcement of the Guestworker Model -
Report/Press release – 1991
Enquête sur les besoins québécois en matière de personnel domestique -
Journal article – 1991
Le salariat agricole au Québec -
Journal article – 1991
Human Rights, State Soverignty and the Protection of Undocumented Migrants Under the International Migrant Workers Convention -
Journal article – 1991
Using the New Migrant Workers' Rights Convention -
Book – 1991
Racism and the Incorporation of Foreign Labour -
Government document – 1991
Accord Canada-Québec relatif à l’immigration et à l’admission temporaire des aubains (Accord Gagnon-Tremblay -McDougall) -
Journal article – 1991
Racism in Canadian Immigration Policies -
Journal article – 1991
Foreign-Born Labour in Canada: Past Patterns, Emerging Trends, and Implications -
Journal article – 1991
Race, Class, Gender and Work Experience of South Asian Immigrant Women in Atlantic Canada -
Thesis – 1991
Ideology and the formation of migration policy: The case of immigrant domestic workers, 1940-1990 -
Journal article – 1991
The Human Condition of West Indian Migrant Farm Labour in Southwestern Ontario -
Book – 1991
Canada's Immigration Policy and Domestics from the Caribbean: The Second Domestic Scheme -
Thesis – 1991
Seduced and abandoned: The legal regulation of domestic workers in Canada from 1867 to 1940 -
Book – 1991
Les domestiques immigrantes au Canada -
Journal article – 1991
Book – 1991
Racism and the Incorporation of Foreign Labour. Farm Labour Migration to Canada since 1945 -
Legal rule/Regulation – 1990-12-18
Convention internationale sur la protection des droits de tous les travailleurs migrants et des membres de leur famille -
Thesis – 1990
The state and politics of migrant labour in Kuwait -
Thesis – 1990
Être femme, domestique et travailleuse temporaire au Québec -
Legal rule/Regulation – 1990
International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families -
Journal article – 1990
The Genesis and Persistence of the Commonwealth Caribbean Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program in Canada -
Journal article – 1990
Rethinking Post-1945 Migration to Canada: Towards a Political Economy of Labour Migration -
Report/Press release – 1990
Report and Recommendations on the Foreign Domestic Movement Program - for submission to the Ministry of Employment and Immigration, Ottawa -
Book – 1989
Critical Years in Immigration: Canada and Australia Compared -
Book – 1989
Silenced: Caribbean Domestic Workers Talk With Makeda Silvera -
Newspaper article – 1989-07-23
[La situation des travailleurs agricoles au Québec] : l'important dans la cueillette des concombres : l'étiquette verte -
Thesis – 1989
Foreign Domestic Servants in Canada -
Thesis – 1989
The transformation of Canadian policies and programs to recruit foreign labor: The case of Caribbean female domestic workers, 1950's-1980's -
Thesis – 1989
Social, economic and political factors influencing the supply and demand of foreign domestic workers -
Journal article – 1989
★ In the Privacy of Our Own Home: Foreign Domestic Workers as Solution to the Crisis in the Domestic Sphere in Canada -
Thesis – 1989
Migrants in a Guest-Worker System: A Utility-Maximizing Approach -
Journal article – 1989
Racism and Canadian Immigration Policy: The Government's View of Caribbean Migration, 1962-1966 -
Thesis – 1988
Contexte industriel et caractéristiques générales et juridiques du salariat agricole au Québec -
Report/Press release – 1988
Success Factors to Improve Seasonal Agricultural Employment: Program Evaluation -
Book – 1988
Whence They Came: Deportation from Canada 1900-1935 -
Case – 1988
Decision No. 680/88, [1988] O.W.C.A.T.D. No. 1324. -
Journal article – 1988
The Canadian State and the Racialization of Caribbean Migrant Farm Labour, 1947-1966 -
Thesis – 1988
Migrant seasonal agricultural labour: Race and ethnic relations in the Okanagan Valley -
Thesis – 1988
Unfree labour in early modern English culture: England and colonial Virginia -
Thesis – 1988
★ Modes of Incorporation and Racialiazation: The Canadian Case -
Book – 1987
Capitalism and Unfree Labour: Anomaly or Necessity? -
Book – 1987
Organizing the unorganized farmworkers in Ontario