Newspaper article – 2013
Lack of enforcement in B.C. fosters ‘replaceable, disposable’ workforce -
PowerPoint presentation/Audiovisual document – 2013
Travailleurs étrangers temporaires: Esclaves modernes? -
Newspaper article – 2013-09-05
Travailleurs étrangers temporaires : hausse de 10 % -
Newspaper article – 2013
Subcontractor Servitude -
Report/Press release – 2013-09-04
Leading unions in Canada and Mexico renew commitment, combined efforts in advancing migrant worker rights/ Les principaux syndicats du Canada et du Mexique renouvellent leur engagement et leur collaboration à la promotion des droits des travailleurs migrants -
Report/Press release – 2013-09-04
Open Letter to the Mayor of Leamington John Paterson over recent comments pertaining to migrant workers -
Newspaper article – 2013-09-03
Canada Seeks Immigrants Who Fit Better -
Newspaper article – 2013-09-03
Alberta companies allowed to pay less to foreign workers -
Report/Press release – 2013-09-01
At Their Peril: Temporary Foreign Workers and Human Rights -
Newspaper article – 2013-08-30
Sexually aggressive migrant workers affecting life in Leamington (With video) -
Newspaper article – 2013-08-30
Leamington mayor wants 'lewd' Jamaican behaviour to end -
Journal article – 2013
Provincial Nominee Programs: A Note on Policy Implications and Future Research Needs -
Newspaper article – 2013
Migrant worker survey commissioned -
Government document – 2013-08-29
Application to Change Conditions or Extend Your Stay in Canada as a Worker / Demande de modification des conditions de séjour ou de prorogation du séjour au Canada à titre de travailleur -
Case – 2013-08-29
D.C. and K.W. v The General Manager The Ontario health Insurance Plan -
Newspaper article – 2013-08-28
Leamington cyclist dies of crash injuries -
Generic document – 2013-08-26
12 recommendations to end migrant and undocumented worker poverty in Ontario. -
Case – 2013-08-26
Gorenshtein v. British Columbia (Employment Standards Tribunal), 2013 BCSC 1499 -
Newspaper article – 2013-08-23
CFIB calls for more foreign workers in Twitter chat with minister -
Report/Press release – 2013-08-22
CNC solidarity with UFCW strengthened at 7th Regular Convention - Renforcement de la solidarité entre la CNC et les TUAC au septième congrès statutaire de l’organisation syndicale -
Newspaper article – 2013-08-21
Immigration consultants raise concerns about government crackdown on fake practitioners -
Report/Press release – 2013-08-20
2013 UFCW Canada Migrant Workers Scholarships -
Report/Press release – 2013
Inadequate Tweaks to Foreign Worker Program Fail to Save Canadian Jobs -
Personal communication – 2013
Chris in the Commons: Calling on the government to stop the abuses of the temporary foreign workers program -
Newspaper article – 2013
Warrantless Inspections Are Long Overdue -
Newspaper article – 2013-08-19
Worker expected to recover from saw blade mishap -
Newspaper article – 2013-08-17
Are they illegal or illegalized? -
Newspaper article – 2013-08-16
Temporary Yukon foreign worker program launched after mine layoffs -
Newspaper article – 2013-08-15
Ottawa to close 15% wage gap for temporary foreign workers -
Website – 2013
Filipina nannies, caregivers and maids: Our LIBERATION from abuses, exploitation, slavery worldwide -
Report/Press release – 2013
★ Quo Vadis? Recruitment and Contracting of Migrant Workers and their Access to Social Security: The Dynamics of Temporary Migrant Labor Systems in North and Central America -
Picture/Figure – 2013
MigrantWorkersRights image -
Newspaper article – 2013-08-13
U.S. looking at Canada guest-worker program as model -
Newspaper article – 2013-08-13
Canadians should have first crack at jobs’: Ottawa to charge $275 fee for temporary foreign worker applications -
Newspaper article – 2013-08-13
Canada follows US, makes work visa difficult -
Thesis – 2013
The social organization of the lives of ‘semi-skilled’ International Migrant Workers in Alberta: Political rationalities, administrative logic and actual behaviours -
Newspaper article – 2013-08-07
Ottawa modifie les règles d'embauche de travailleurs étrangers temporaires -
Government document – 2013-08-07
Further improvements to the Temporary Foreign Worker Program -
Newspaper article – 2013-08-07
New measures aim to toughen Canada’s foreign worker program -
Newspaper article – 2013-08-07
Tories tighten rules for hiring foreign workers -
Newspaper article – 2013-08-07
Demanding real changes -
Newspaper article – 2013-08-07
Ottawa's measures to restrict hiring of temporary foreign workers come into force -
Newspaper article – 2013-08-06
Victory for Migrant Farm Worker in Landmark Decision -
Report/Press release – 2013
Migrant Voices: Stories of Agricultural Migrant Workers in Manitoba -
Newspaper article – 2013-08-03
Lots of progress needed in area of farm safety -
Electronic article – 2013-08-02
Need not greed? Business tries to reframe debate on Temporary Foreign Worker Program -
Newspaper article – 2013-07-31
Visas aux travailleurs agricoles étrangers : de l’inquiétude -
Newspaper article – 2013-07-31
Living in limbo: a temporary foreign worker’s story -
Government document – 2013-07-31
Changements apportés au Programme des travailleurs étrangers temporaires -
Report/Press release – 2013-07-30
Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario Slams Double Diamond Acres for Racial Harassment of a Migrant Farm Worker