Newspaper article – 2017-12-17
Committee urges federal government to repeal law that bans disabled immigrants -
Report/Press release – 2017-12-13
★ Building an Inclusive Canada: Bringing the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act in Stop With Modern Values -
Newspaper article – 2017
Halifax businessman accused of bilking foreign workers pleads guilty to misrepresentation -
Government document – 2017-12-03
Processing surge puts Government on track to largely eliminate Live-in Caregiver Program backlog by end of 2018 -
Newspaper article – 2017-12-03
In British Columbia, employers brace for changes to rules governing seasonal workers -
Conference paper – 2017-12-03
Report: Niagara Forum on Migrant Worker Issues -
Newspaper article – 2017-11-27
Farm labour programme surviving despite challenges, says Barbados Minister -
Personal communication – 2017-11-23
Lettre de la Députée Poirier sur la santé des enfants né de parents sans statut -
Newspaper article – 2017-11-21
High Court victory sets precedent for migrant workers’ rights -
Newspaper article – 2017-11-20
Advocates ask the government to rethink disablist immigration law -
Newspaper article – 2017-11-16
More Okanagan fruit growers to be blocked from hiring Mexican workers -
Newspaper article – 2017-11-11
Pact on migrant workers' rights is PH gift to ASEAN -
Electronic article – 2017-11-01
[U.S.A.] The GOP Wants To Bring in More Migrant Guest Workers—But For Much Lower Pay -
Legal rule/Regulation – 2017-10-31
E-1034 (IMMIGRATION) (Petition No. 421-01716) -
Newspaper article – 2017-10-30
Canadian mushroom growers push for permanent residency for migrant workers -
Report/Press release – 2017-10-27
Government of Canada opens national call-out for research on primary agriculture -
Newspaper article – 2017-10-27
B.C. court approves migrant workers' class-action lawsuit against Mac’s Convenience Stores -
Electronic article – 2017-10-24
Justice Rosa Weber suspends effects of ministerial regulation on slave labor -
Generic document – 2017-10-18
Immigration Minister's answer to parliamentary petition (abolition of employer-tied work permits) -
Report/Press release – 2017-10-11
In the Implementation of California Anti-Trafficking Law, Government to Leave Most Migrant Workers Unprotected -
Newspaper article – 2017-10-10
Surrey trucking company ordered to pay $350,000 after underpaying foreign workers -
Electronic article – 2017-10-10
Alberta Immigration Announces New Opportunity Stream -
Newspaper article – 2017-10-10
Migrant farm workers deserve to be treated decently: Editorial -
Electronic article – 2017-10-09
Voices of Migrant Workers -
Newspaper article – 2017-10-08
Unscrupulous recruiters keep migrant workers in ‘debt bondage’ -
Newspaper article – 2017-10-06
Why Canada's farm industry is ripe for change: Wells -
Newspaper article – 2017-10-05
Tribunal slams WSIB practice that cuts benefits to injured migrant workers -
Electronic article – 2017-10-04
B.C. case against Mac’s Convenience reveals broad bureaucratic failure -
Electronic article – 2017
Immigration Canada ‘breaking the law,’ when denying some disabled applicants, say legal experts -
Government document – 2017-09-28
Electronic article – 2017-09-22
Foreign Worker Program Driving Down Wages, Breaking Alberta Law, Unions Charge -
Newspaper article – 2017-09-19
Court certifies class-action suit involving 450 foreign workers who got no jobs -
Electronic article – 2017-09-19
NDP slam Liberal government for lack of action on ending ‘discriminatory’ immigration policy -
Case – 2017-09-18
Basyal v. Mac's Convenience Stores Inc., [2017] B.C.J. No. 1850 -
Report/Press release – 2017-09-14
★ La néo-féodalisation du droit du travail agricole: Étude de cas sur les conditions de travail et de vie des travailleurs migrants à Saint-Rémi (Québec) -
Report/Press release – 2017-09-14
Migrant Farmworkers Speak Fruit with Release of Mobile Fruit Stand -
Electronic article – 2017-09-11
Protesters rally after talk of an anti-loitering bylaw in downtown Leamington -
Electronic article – 2017-09-06
Immigration Canada reopens Manitoba family’s application for permanent residency -
Newspaper article – 2017-09-01
OPP believe fatal e-bike crash victim was migrant worker -
Thesis – 2017-09-01
National Interests and Migrants’ Rights: The Non-Ratification of the ICMW by Singapore and Canada -
Electronic article – 2017-08-31
New students welcomed to Bow Valley by mayors -
Newspaper article – 2017-08-26
Mexican farm worker says he was told heart attack symptoms caused by 'too much chili' -
Newspaper article – 2017
Le transfert de travailleurs guatémaltèques n’aura pas lieu -
Newspaper article – 2017
Trabajadores agrícolas temen ser deportados por denunciar condiciones laborales en Canadá -
Newspaper article – 2017
This migrant worker who came to Canada to catch chickens was given his job contract in French — a language he doesn’t speak -
Newspaper article – 2017
Fin des quotas de travailleurs étrangers temporaires au Québec -
Newspaper article – 2017
SSS opens another office in Canada to serve 250 thousand Pinoys -
Newspaper article – 2017
Trump’s Merit-Based Immigration System Echoes Australia, Canada Policy -
Journal article – 2017
Interview with the Honourable Ahmed D. Hussen, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, Canada -
Newspaper article – 2017
BC NDP government plans temporary foreign worker registry