Right 2 Stay for Juan Ariza!
Agriculture Workers Alliance / UFCW Canada
Tell Harper "Migrant Workers Are Parents Too"
Agriculture Workers Alliance / UFCW Canada and AWA/ATA - Canada
Urgent mobilization - Guatemalan Migrant Rights Defender Receives Death Threats
Agriculture Workers Alliance / UFCW Canada
Right to family, settlement services and access to permanent status from the outset for all migrant workers!
CCR, MigrantWorkersRights/DroitsTravailleuse-rsMigrants (MWR/DTM), and DTMF-RHFW
On the field : How to protect migrant workers in your province
Give everyone a chance!
The United Steelworkers/Metallos
Support Migrant Dreams, a documentary by award-winning Min Sook
Min Sook Lee
Tell Prime Minister Harper to Fix What His Government Broke
Canadian Labour Congress
Campaign to reveal the frauds committed against migrant workers
Jornaleros SAFE
MDG Success Stories: A storythat says it all.Community-based initiatives for safe migration - Indonesia
Justice & Legislation
Regional safer migration project launched in Bangladesh
Prohibitions to change employers and become citizen must be abolished!
DTMF-RHFW, DTM-Qc, and Juripop
Nagaland campaign against illegal Bangla migrants for survival
Different Projects related to manpower training for migrants and other schemes
Promoting Decent Work through Improved Migration Policy and its Application in Bangladesh
Consultation with BMET for Comprehensive System's Review by the Labour Migration Project
Why Bangladesh should ratify the International Convention on Migrants?
Multi Campaigns
Take action against elimination of EI benefits for migrant workers
Justicia for Migrant Workers (J4MW), Agriculture Workers Alliance / UFCW Canada, and CLC/CTC
Québec doit abolir le statut légal lié à l'employeur
DTM-Qc, DTMF-RHFW, and Juripop
Pay less wage model unfair to migrant workers!
Employer-recruiter co-liability now!
Financial support needed for another migrant worker who Canada threw away
Industrial Accident Victim’s Group of Ontario
Injured Migrant Worker in Canada in Need of Support
Justicia for Migrant Workers (J4MW)
Safe Migration Signature Campaign Makes Steady Progress
Un Statut pour tous! Status for all! Papeles par todas y todos!
Solidarité sans frontières (SSF) / Solidarity Across Borders (SAB)
Collecte Bicyclettes et Ordinateurs pour migrants!
TUAC-Québec 501
À la défense des travailleu-se-rs d'agences de placement au Qc
Au Bas de L'Échelle and IWC/CTI
Stop Migrant Workers Exploitation!
Students Against Migrant Exploitation (SAME)
Bangladeshi Migrant Workers in the Apparel Sector: Responsible Recruitment, Responsible Return
Equal rights now for ON agworkers!
Agriculture Workers Alliance / UFCW Canada
CSST pour les domestiques au QC!
Filipina Live-in Caregivers in Quebec Appeal for Effective Civil Rights Protection
Protection for Ontario Live-in Caregivers and Temporary Foreign Workers
Workers' Action Centre
Promoting safe migration and local development in Bangladesh
Stop the rip-offs! 5% Cap on Remittance Fees!
ACORN Canada
Guatemalan Migrants Deserve our Respect!
Agriculture Workers Alliance / UFCW Canada
Justice pour Noé!
Solidarité sans frontières (SSF) / Solidarity Across Borders (SAB)
Droit à la syndicalisation pour tous les travailleurs agricoles du Québec!
TUAC-Québec 501
EI and right to appeal for ag migrant workers!
Justicia for Migrant Workers (J4MW)
Scrap the Live-In Caregiver Program!
National Alliance of Philippine Women of Canada (NAPWC)
End the Harvest of Death in Alberta!
Agriculture Workers Alliance / UFCW Canada
National Domestic Workers Movement